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E(X) = np Var(X) = np(1−p) M(s) = (pes 1−p)n Keeping in the spirit of (1) we denote a binomial n, p rv by X ∼ bin(n,p) 3 geometric distribution with success probability p The number of independent Bernoulli p trials required until the first success yields the geometric rv with pmf p(k) = ˆ p(1−p)k−1, if k ≥ 1; G R A P H I X t e e s e t v o l 1 🔥 NOTES - TAG ME IF YOU'D LIKE - INSTAGRAM: @OFFICIALCOMPLEX NOW AVAILABLE HERE ON MY, P A T R E O N 🤍 hair @estrojanslovesthis 🤍 skin @urbanimports /I t i s i m p o r t a n t t o n o t e t h a t t h i s p a p e r p r o v i d e s n o e v i d e n c e o n t h e v a l i d i t y of the Ricardian equivalence proposition That proposition concerns changes in the financing of government 6 s p e n d i n g , h o l d i n g t h e a m o u n t o f that spending constant

Extrinsic evidence has often been admitted in such cases on the stated ground that the contract was ambiguous (eg, Universal Sales Corp v California Press Mfg Co, supra, Cal2d 751, 761) This statement of the rule is harmless if it is kept in mind that the ambiguity may be exposed by extrinsic evidence that reveals more than oneSee under r£y, above ll l ™ n "punishment" (E G 260) in compounds ll l ™ ™ n m£™t "correct punishment" (E G 260) l ™ n p£ s£l "punishment concerning AEG PE We include today a new German airplane which one of the first armoured airplanes ever made The AEG PE (PanzerEinsitzer Armoured oneseater) was a single seat armoured groundattack fighter It was the only armoured triplane set for that role The whole fuselage was covered by an armoured light alloy and the wings were

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